Sustainable | Year-Round | Local Produce

Soil-Less Green grows a variety of fresh produce, including many varieties of lettuce, kale, Swiss chard, spinach, radishes and carrots. We grow year-round, sustainably and without the use of pesticides. We grow locally in our containerized farm using the most innovative hydroponic methods. We distribute what we grow to community based-organizations focused on food insecurity, either in bulk or in consumer-sized, attractive, packaging that is fully consumer compostable.

Leafy Greens

& Packaged

Oakleaf Head Lettuce $0.00
Leaf Arugula $0.00
Leaf Kale $0.00
Lettuce Greens $0.00
Leafy Greens $0.00
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We Love to Hear From You
We welcome questions and feedback and are delighted to have you visit us or volunteer at the farm. You can communicate with us a few different ways. You can simply fill out the form below and hit the submit button, or you can call, mail or email us. The contact information is below.
Our Farm
Good Table Foundation
PO Box 847
Castine, ME 04421
Contact Information
(207) 385-9847
Farm Hours
Contact us to arrange a visit.

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Our Volunteers
Thank you!
GTF is an all-volunteer organization. Our volunteers do all the farming, processing and packaging. Their hard work allows us to grow and distribute Soil-Less Green produce to our partner organizations free of charge.
Our volunteers include: Tina Anthony, Carolyn B, Jean di Sabatino, Sue Loomis, Barbara N, Ray Nualla, Scott Rowley, and Sheila C.
With deep gratitude, thank you to each of you for your devotion to our mission!

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